Ludum Dare 42 entry - Theme: Running out of Space

In Take care of her you are inside a human brain! The poor patient is in a coma and you have to review his memories and choose the ones who will make the cut. Which cut? Well, the disease and the treatment have impacted the brain, and as a result it is running out of space.

You'll have to make harsh decisions about someone's past life, take your time and relax. Maybe you'll be in peace with the outcome.


Click on a memory space to save a memory or on the trash bin to erase it.


While playing the web version, press F11 to enable your browser's fullscreen for maximum immersion. Press F11 again to disable it when you're done :D


  • Wissam: Game Design, Graphic Design, Programming
  • Lucas: Narrative Design, Writing, Sound Design


Take_care_of_her [ENGLISH].zip 13 MB
Take_care_of_her [FRENCH].zip 13 MB

Install instructions

The game is packaged in a single runtime executable. When you open it, Windows can display a warning message but everything is safe, we promise :D

The game is available in English and French in two separates downloads. We suggest you to play the French version if you can understand it, because it is the original version, but the English one has the same content, no worries!

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